How social media is becoming the smart new recruitment & HR channel for restaurants & bars Recruitment, liveSusanne Currid9 April 2014social media for bars, social media for restaurants
VIDEO: Your Social Media Marketing Dream Team #buildyourtribe, Business PerformanceSusanne Currid20 November 2013social media for restaurants
VIDEO: How to Use Customer Personas to Improve your Social Media Marketing customer personasSusanne Currid29 October 2013social media for restaurants, social media marketing
Restaurant Magazine seminar - 17th September '13 Facebook, Google Search, Lead Generation, Pinterest, Social Media Trends, TwitterSusanne Currid12 August 2013social media for restaurants
Infograph: 10 Ways Restaurants are Using Social Media Benefits of Social Media, FourSquare, Hospitality Marketing, Instagram, liveSusanne Currid13 June 2013social media for restaurants
Twitter announces new Lead Generation feature for tweets Email Capture, Hospitality Marketing, Lead Generation, Twitter, liveSusanne Currid24 May 2013social media for restaurants, social media marketing
Introducing Local Search for Restaurants, Bars and Cafes on Facebook Mobile Facebook, SearchSusanne Currid13 May 2013social media for restaurants, social media marketing, ssocial media for bars
How to talk sustainable, local and seasonal on Social Media Events, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, liveSusanne Currid23 April 2013cafes and bars, restaurant marketing, social media for restaurants, social media marketing
How does an airport hotel Thai restaurant end up trending on Twitter? Twitter, liveSusanne Currid22 April 2013Social, social media for restaurants
Who Should Look After Your Restaurant or Bar Social Media? Hospitality Marketing, social media training, liveSusanne Currid22 March 2013restaurant marketing, social media for bars, social media for restaurants