Top 7 Tips for Dealing with Social Media Writer’s Block

I guess this must be every social media manager’s big headache.  Each day or week there comes a time when you have to plonk down in front of your computer or rev up your smart phone and magic up another batch of highly engaging or remarkable Facebook and Twitter posts.   

Initially this might not have seemed like such a tall order.  Working on social media and getting paid for it, hey what’s not to like!   However, over time even the most creative heads amongst us can experience the dreaded writer’s block. 

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So what to do?  Is it possible to inject some life back into the left brain hemisphere and start churning out a whole new batch of social media nuggets?

For those times when you need a little help getting back on the creative track, I recommend the following:

  1. Before you start to write anything, take a 20 minute walk. Walking can help to energise your body and can also put you in a more thoughtful zone. Whilst you’re walking, I suggest you also make a point of looking at things around you and see if you notice things that have previously passed you by.  Or maybe pick out someone you see on the street and so if you can imagine where they are going or what they are doing today.  This simple process helps to switch on the creative side of your brain as it’s an exercise in looking at things differently.
  2. When you get back to your desk switch your computer and your mobile off or at the very least put them on snooze.  Get yourself a nice big piece of paper, maybe even some coloured pens and allow yourself to write down the first ideas that come into your head for new posts.   If possible do this exercise with a colleague.  Two brains are often better than one and you can bat ideas back and forth til they feel more fully formed.
  3. Don’t be tempted to switch the computer on to do some research.  Just stay in the flow of coming up with ideas and then later you can go into ‘research’ mode and flesh out the ideas with facts or details you find online.  Stay in the ‘creative flow’ and work on paper whilst you are brainstorming.
  4. Ask yourself, what are your customers most likely to be talking about this week and see how you can create posts that involve your business in these online conversations.    Whether you’re having a heatwave or there’s a local festival taking place, think about how your business can react, comment or get involved.
  5. In advance of your post writing sessions, speak to other members of the team and ask for ideas about things you can talk about in the coming week or month.   Ask your chefs or bar tenders if there is something they can create that will make a really impactful photograph.  Remarkable, attractive images typically get very high engagement rates on social media so really encourage everyone in the business to get creative with their food or drink presentation ideas.
  6. Keep a small notebook on your desk, in your jacket or your bag that’s just for social media ideas.  Then whenever you have an idea you can make a quick note of it for the future.
  7. Questions also make great posts as they encourage a reaction from your fans and followers.  So make sure to include a few questions in your posts each week. For example, you could try some of the following..
    1. What do you think we should call this new drink/dish we’ve just created?
    2. What’s your favourite, x or y? (with photo of both)
    3. Have you tried our new special yet?  What do you think?
    4. We’ve just added a new Matcha Green Soya Latte to our drinks list.  What do you think, yay or nay?
    5. Hands up who’s going to Glastonbury? (or other big event)

I hope some of these ideas help get you through your next social media creative block.  Also, if you have any ideas to help spark the creative light why not add a comment and share below.

Next week, I’ll share my top 21 content ideas for social media posts and tweets for restaurants, bars and cafes, so make sure to visit again soon or add this blog to your RSS reader for an instant update.